Our Services
We provide social care advice for individuals, familiars and on behalf of professional organisations. Have a look at our offerrings and then get in touch to discuss your needs further.

Services to Individuals and Families
Recognising the demands that caring for children, young people and vulnerable adults places on parents and carers, and the pressures that social care intervention can add to the caring responsibilities, we aim to provide independent advice that enables individuals and families understand their circumstances and how to work through the challenges they face. Parents and carers will have access to independent advice, which will include some or all of the following:
- Advice in Child Protection, Court Order or Children in Need processes.
- Advocacy services for individuals and or families.
- Understanding social worker concerns.
- Communicating concerns to social care professionals.
- Where and how to find local and national support services.
- Understanding behavioural challenges.
- Working with social care professionals, including schools, social workers and health professionals.
- Reporting welfare concerns.
- Parenting Workshops: what good parenting means, the fatherhood principle, the power of family unity.
- Knowing your rights in social care interventions.
- Maintaining harmony within your family.

Services to Professional Organisations
In order to provide truly individualised, independent and responsible services, we will adapt and link our services to other social care providers and local community groups. We aim to offer a high standard of services that is committed to practice excellence and marks us out as the organisation of choice with organisations. The following are some of the services we will provide to organisations.
- Independent Social Care Assessments of individuals and families i.e. viability, kinship, parenting and permanency assessments and reports.
- Short term / contracted social work cover – specified projects only.
- Staff training: Practicing in England for the first time, .
- Social Care Research
- Advice on planning and setting up social care businesses.
- Comprehensive and independent Court reports.
- Life story Work.
- Facilitating family mediation.
- Facilitating and conducting Family Group Conferences.